Saturday, May 30, 2009

sugar high

Happy Holidays every single one of you! HAHA

hey, i dont like the way everything goes on lately. everyone have to be judged of who or what they are. somebossy said i'm this and that all trashy things they said blablabla yadayada. shut up already. it gets out of my nerve. deal with it or leave it babes.

demi qoute ,

"Who said I can't wear my Converse With my dress Oh Baby That's just me"

LA LA LAND :D inspired.

hey i forgotten something, Thanks maryam for updating my lame blog while i was gone , Gone la sngt! haha i was lazy. typical kan (: hey, dont blame me.

our love is like a song, we wont forget it

homg , i like demi's songs. haha frankly speaking, my tuition history teacher's birthday is on the same date as mine. Goshy awesome :) she's funny and good in teaching history. all credits to her ;)

if i would ever have a boyfriend, it will be great if he sings this song ,

"..Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Reach out as far as you can

Only me, only you, and the band

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand.."

awwww hahaha touch my hand by david arhuleta. ARCHIE :O

I AM---------------------FATLA grrr,


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